Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has decided its face for the Rajya Sabha seat of Haryana. During his 2-day visit to Delhi, Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has received NOC after meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah and party national president JP Nadda. Trusted sources of the party say that the name will be announced today by the central leadership.

However, discussions are currently going on for this seat of three big faces in Haryana. The first name among these is that of the party’s national president JP Nadda. The second is Subhash Barala and the third is the name of Om Prakash Dhankhar, who is looking after the responsibility of National Secretary.

JP Nadda’s tenure as Rajya Sabha MP is ending on April 2. He was earlier elected from Himachal Pradesh. Since his chances of getting re-elected from the state are slim or not at all, it is being speculated that he could be the party’s choice from Haryana.
However, considering Nadda’s activism in Himachal Pradesh, it is also likely that the central leadership has asked him to prepare for the Lok Sabha. After this, he is continuously meeting people by doing road shows in Himachal Pradesh.

Haryana CM was on Delhi tour today itself. Has returned to Chandigarh. There he met one to one from the Prime Minister to the top leaders of the party. During this, he discussed about Lok Sabha as well as Rajya Sabha elections. After attending the core committee meeting at Haryana Bhawan on Wednesday, Manohar met Amit Shah on Thursday. After this, on Friday he met PM Narendra Modi and after that he met JP Nadda.

Elections are to be held on 56 Rajya Sabha seats in 15 states of the country. Voting on all these seats will be held on February 27. The tenure of 50 Rajya Sabha members from 13 states is ending on April 2, while the remaining six members from two states will retire on April 3. The 15 states where Rajya Sabha elections are to be held include Haryana along with Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Himachal Pradesh.