In Madhya Pradesh, BJP central observers are facing an uphill task to pacify the angry workers over the proposed nominations of the candidates for the upcoming assembly election. Some local leaders went to Indore first and then to Bhopal to meet the central observers led by Union minister Narendra Sing Tomar. The local leaders wanted to change some of the sitting MLAs and the contenders for the same. They expressed their anger by shouting slogans against the candidate. The central observers, led by Tomar and state President B D Sharma, organising secretary Hitananda Sharma, and national General Secretary Kailash Vijayborgiyo, had a tough time pacifying the angry workers and local leaders. When asked by the media, Kailash said that a miniscule party worker protest would not hamper the party’s prospects in the election.
Kerala Congress leader sparks controversy
Kerala opposition leader from the Congress party V D Satheeshan sparked controversy when he publicly sought the support of the Communist party cadre to vote for late Chief Minister Oommen Chandy’s wife, who is contesting in a by-election of the state assembly. Polling will be held on September 5. In a public meeting, Satheeshan said that genuine communists should vote for the Congress candidate so that she can win by a large margin. He also alerted the incumbent CM, Pinarai Vijayan, that unless they vote for Congress, they will be wiped out like West Bengal, where the CPI(M) Party has vanished. But CPI (M) is not bothered by the triad against them. Just before the I.N.D.I.A opposition meets, the barbs between Congress and CPI(M) have been sharpened, and it may affect the opposition talks.
Nitish Kumar wants to revive old Janata Pariwar
Bihar CM Nitish Kumar has recently tried to unite the opposition while Janata Pariwar takes on the BJP. But his move is not liked by the Congress party, and for that reason, Nitish is slightly unhappy with the grand old party. He even tried to talk to former Prime Minister H D Devegowda and wanted him as the patriarch of the merged Janta Pariwar. But in the recently held Karnataka election, the Congress party launched an all-out attack against the JD(S), which made the former PM angry. Now he is not interested in joining the I.N.D.I.A alliance and wants to fight alone.
A group of Russian diplomats infiltrated a private section of UK Parliament during a tour,…
World Chess Champion Gukesh thanked the nation after being conferred with the Khel Ratna award,…
The AICF hosted a grand ceremony in New Delhi to honor chess icons D Gukesh,…
Bayrou's government narrowly avoids collapse after surviving a no-confidence vote. Political instability continues as he…
Thousands of Ukrainians are submitting claims through the new Register of Damages system, seeking compensation…
The political atmosphere in the India Alliance has been under the scanner since long now.…