The Karnataka BJP, led by former Chief Minister D V Sadananda Gowda, staged a demonstration on Tuesday demanding a CBI probe into the Rs 94 crore seized during recent Income Tax (I-T) raids across Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Delhi. The BJP has alleged links between the cash recovery and the Congress-led Karnataka government, particularly pointing at Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and Deputy Chief Minister D K Shivakumar.
On Monday, the Central Board of Direct Taxes revealed that the I-T Department confiscated Rs 94 crore in cash, gold and diamond jewellery worth Rs 8 crore, and 30 luxury watches from government contractors and real estate developers. In Karnataka alone, aboutRs 42 crore was seized from a contractor and his son. Sadananda Gowda accused the Congress of exploiting Karnataka as a financial resource for elections in other states. “Karnataka is like an ATM for the assembly elections in five states. An I-T investigation won’t suffice. A CBI probe is essential to uncover the full extent of this corruption,” Gowda remarked during the demonstration.
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