Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Lok Sabha MP Ravi Shankar Prasad questioned the use of such a word for the Prime Minister and asked Wayanad MP to apologize shortly after Congress MP Rahul Gandhi took a jab at Prime Minister Narendra Modi by subtly blaming him for India’s loss to Australia in the World Cup Final.

“What happened to you, Rahul Gandhi? You are using such words for the Prime Minister of the country. Our Prime Minister met the players and motivated them. Winning or losing is part of the game. Rahul Gandhi needs to apologise,” Prasad said.

Asking Rahul Gandhi to learn from the past, Prasad said, “You need to learn from the past. Your mother (Sonia Gandhi) used the word ‘Maut ka saudagar’ (dealer of deaths) for Narendra Modi and see where is the Congress now.”

Earlier, Rahul Gandhi asserted during a rally in Barmer that India’s World Cup final defeat was caused by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s presence in the Narendra Modi stadium.

“Our guys were playing well, they would have won the world cup. But ‘Panauti’ made us lose. The TV guys won’t tell you this but people know,” Rahul said while campaigning at Rajasthan’s Barmer on Monday.

The Legislative Assembly of Rajasthan, comprising 200 members, is expected to conclude its term on January 14, 2024. The state’s most recent Assembly elections took place in December 2018. On November 25, 199 of the 200 state assembly seats up for grabs will be put to the test. In the 2013 Legislative Assembly elections, the BJP secured 163 seats, forming the government of Rajasthan. In the 200-member House, the Congress secured 99 seats and the BJP 73 seats in the 2018 assembly elections.