On Friday, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot said that the BJP’s manifesto is highly disappointing. The Chief Minister further claimed that his seven guarantees will weigh heavily on BJP’s manifesto. Gehlot addressed the media in Jaipur and launched a scathing attack on the BJP.
When CM Gehlot was asked about his take on BJP’s manifesto, he said that there is nothing new in it. Gehlot said, “They haven’t done homework. It has rephrased the schemes that we have already launched in Rajasthan. The manifesto of BJP is highly disappointing for the public.”
The Chief Minister targeted the Central government for providing gas cylinders for Rs 450 saying, “The Central government should do it. Due to our pressure, the central government reduced the cylinder price by Rs 200. They have promised Rs 450 gas cylinders for MP also. They are talking about only beneficiaries covered under Ujjwala. We have gone beyond that. Apart from Ujjwala beneficiaries, we have included people under the National Food Security Act. So, we will provide gas cylinders to 1.05 crore people. They (the BJP) are trying to copy us.”
When he was questioned about how his seven guarantees help them in defeating the BJP he said, “Our manifesto will also weigh heavily on theirs. The BJP has nothing to say but level baseless allegations against us. We don’t need to answer them.”
He also took aim at CM Yogi and said, “Yogi is the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, and some students in BHU in his state molested a girl only ten days ago. BHU is in Varanasi which is PM Modi’s Lok Sabha constituency. They do not say a word on cases of women’s molestation and rape cases in UP and MP. Only a couple of incidents have happened here and we have taken swift action.
We have made it compulsory for police stations to register FIRs in such cases. In previous regimes, FIRs were not registered promptly and regularly. Victims had to move to court for police action. Now FIRs are being registered in police stations only.”