Following the first-ever roadshow and rally in Himachal Pradesh, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has claimed that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was considering replacing Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur with Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting Anurag Thakur as the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh ahead of the assembly elections in the state. Deputy CM Manish Sisodia claimed that the BJP has failed to serve the people of Himachal Pradesh.

Addressing a press conference, Deputy CM Manish Sisodia said, “The Kejriwal Model of Governance has become a ray of hope for people across the nation. BJP is in a state of shock to see the rising popularity of CM Arvind Kejriwal and his governance model. Just after the visit of the AAP National Convenor, they have realised that the BJP government in Himachal Pradesh has done nothing in the past 4.5 years and their CM has failed to bring any development in the state. Thus they are appointing Anurag Thakur as the new chief minister of Himachal Pradesh.”

He praised the Kejriwal model of governance in Delhi and remarked that Punjab has also adopted the same. Taking a jibe at the BJP, he stated, “Jairam Thakur has proved to be a very unsuccessful CM and by removing him BJP is accepting this fact that their government has failed in Himachal Pradesh.”

Claiming a grand success of AAP’s rally yesterday, he concluded, “The move to change the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh at this point shows that BJP is trying to hide the truth of their incapabilities. During his tenure of 4.5 years, schools were shut down in Himachal Pradesh, the health system has become dilapidated, electricity, water, and employment facilities have also not been provided to the people. In the last 4.5 years, the BJP government in Himachal has done nothing. The BJP is horrified to see the tremendous public support for Arvind Kejriwal’s rally held in Mandi yesterday and it has come to light from reliable sources that the failures of its failed government in Himachal for 4.5 years are being blamed for that.”