During the BJP’s ‘Parivartan Yatra’ in Jaipur’s rural north, journey coordinator and former state president Arun Chaturvedi stated that the Congress government has not fulfilled its promises to the public. “Priyanka Gandhi, who advocates “I am a girl and I can fight,” remains silent while incidents of crime against women occur right under her nose. In the state, there are 17 cases of rape happening every day, but Priyanka Gandhi is busy watching tigers in Ranthambore,” he said.
He further mentioned that Priyanka Gandhi has more childhood and less maturity saying, “In Rajasthan, the youth are suffering due to unemployment. The loan schemes for women and farmers introduced by the Modi government at the centre have not been effectively implemented here. Rajasthan currently has the highest electricity rates in the country. In the past five years, Rajasthan has seen an increase in incidents of violence against women, robberies, and rapes. The law and order situation has deteriorated significantly. Corruption and scams are on the rise. Promises made to farmers have not been fulfilled. People are not receiving unemployment allowances. While there is talk of providing 100 units of free electricity to people, farmers are struggling with power shortages.”
During the press conference, Shyam Sharma, the North Jaipur district president, Satyavir Yadav, the North Rural district in-charge, and state media coordinator Mehraj Chaudhary were also present. The Public is Frustrated with Congress’ Misrule: Former state president Arun Chaturvedi mentioned that the public in the state is frustrated with the misrule of the Congress government in the past five years, which is why the Parivartan Yatra was necessary. The Parivartan Yatra has received immense support from the public.
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