Dushyant Kumar Gautam, a prominent leader from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), criticized the Congress party for a social media post targeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi in light of the tragic Uttarakhand tunnel collapse. Gautam termed the Congress’ post “unfortunate” amidst the critical rescue efforts for the 41 trapped laborers.

The Congress’ official handle on X shared an animated picture depicting PM Modi with a caption seemingly mocking his actions at the Silkyara tunnel collapse site, drawing swift criticism from Gautam and others for its insensitivity during a crisis.


In parallel to these condemnations, the intensive rescue mission at the Silkyara Tunnel continues relentlessly. Official sources revealed that relatives of the trapped laborers have been advised to prepare their belongings in anticipation of the workers’ potential evacuation as the rescue operations yield hope for a swift rescue.

Efforts encompass various strategies, including vertical and manual drilling both inside the tunnel and from the hilltop. Though paused temporarily, vertical drilling has resumed, completing 43 out of the required 86 meters. Officials estimate an additional 40 to 50 hours to conclude the remaining work.

Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, overseeing the operations, expressed optimism, citing progress in the drilling work and stating that nearly 52 meters of drilling have been accomplished. He emphasized the tireless commitment of experts and expressed hope for an imminent breakthrough.

CM Dhami, joined by key officials, visited the site, reviewing ongoing operations. Workers engaged in manual drilling within the tunnel assured a completion timeline of 24 hours, further indicating the imminent rescue of the trapped laborers from the tunnel’s depth.

Meanwhile, the manual drilling process, known as rat-hole mining, continues with workers manually extracting debris through ropes within the rescue pipe, ensuring continued progress despite the challenges.