On Sunday, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) announced the appointment of its seasoned leader from Himachal Pradesh, Rajeev Bindal, as the president of the state unit. He replaces Lok Sabha MP Suresh Kumar Kashyap, following the party’s recent defeat in the assembly polls in the state, which saw the Congress return to power.
Rajeev Bindal, a native of Solan, is a well-respected figure in the BJP, known for his solid and dynamic organisational leadership. He has held various important positions within the party, including minister and assembly speaker, and has served as the president of the BJP state unit in the past. Bindal has represented his constituency as a Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) for multiple terms. However, in the recent elections, he lost his seat, and the party failed to secure any wins in the Solan district.
This change in leadership comes at a crucial time for the BJP in Himachal Pradesh, as the party looks to regroup and rebuild following its disappointing performance in the recent assembly elections. By appointing an experienced and respected leader like Bindal, the BJP hopes to regain the confidence of the people and strengthen the party’s base in the state.
In addition to Bindal’s appointment, the BJP also announced changes in other key positions within the party. Siddharthan and Pawan Rana have been appointed as general secretary (organisation) for the Himachal Pradesh and Delhi state units, respectively. Interestingly, both leaders will be swapping their places, as Siddharthan previously served as the general secretary (organisation) in Delhi, while Rana held the same position in Himachal Pradesh.
These new appointments signal the BJP’s intent to revitalise and reorganise the party at the state level in the aftermath of the assembly election defeat. It remains to be seen how these changes will impact the party’s future prospects and electoral performance in Himachal Pradesh.