The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has declared its candidates for the upcoming Rajya Sabha elections in Rajasthan. Former MLA Madan Rathore and former minister Chunnilal Garasiya are the party’s chosen candidates, and they are expected to file their nominations on either Wednesday or Thursday.
The selection of these candidates has surprised many in the state, as speculation was rife that senior party leaders who lost in the assembly elections might be nominated.
Madan Rathore had displayed a rebellious stance against his party before the assembly elections, expressing dissatisfaction after not receiving a ticket. There were even discussions about him contesting as an independent candidate. However, after discussions with senior party leaders, Rathore calmed down and campaigned for the party. Now, he has been nominated as a candidate for the Rajya Sabha.
The BJP appears to have strategically addressed caste equations through these nominations. Madan Rathore hails from the Rajput community, and his candidacy is likely to address regional equations in Marwar and the Rajput society. On the other hand, Chunnilal Garasiya, belonging to the tribal belt, is expected to strengthen the party’s presence in tribal areas.
Chunnilal Garasiya, a two-time MLA from Udaipur Rural, had served as the Minister of State for Medical and Minister of State for Mines in the Bhairon Singh Shekhawat government. He is also known for his strong association with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and currently holds the position of National Vice President of BJP’s ST Morcha.
The Rajya Sabha nominations come ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, and the BJP appears to be strategically managing caste and regional equations through its choices. The caste background of Madan Rathore and the tribal connection of Chunnilal Garasiya are expected to play crucial roles in the party’s electoral strategy. The last date for Rajya Sabha nominations is February 15, and the Congress party is yet to announce its candidates.