In anticipation of the crucial Lok Sabha elections in 2024, the top leadership of the BJP in the state and the RSS engaged in an extensive six-hour meeting at Dr. Hedgewar Smruti Mandir in Nagpur on Monday. Officially termed a routine gathering to enhance coordination on vital issues, insiders within the BJP revealed that the party has set an ambitious target of securing 45 or more out of the total 48 Lok Sabha seats. They acknowledge the indispensable support of the RSS workforce to achieve this goal.
Representatives from the BJP included state party president Chandrashekhar Bawankule and Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis. The meeting was attended by RSS Vidarbha region incharge and other key figures. BJP sources indicate that the primary focus was to address the challenges anticipated in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls, particularly in Vidarbha, which comprises 10 Lok Sabha seats and 62 Assembly constituencies.
Maharashtra, with its 48 Lok Sabha seats, stands as a crucial state for victory, second only to Uttar Pradesh, which boasts the largest number of seats at 80. This time, the BJP has set an ambitious target with the slogan ‘abki baar 400 paar’ (This time more than 400). The state unit is committed to achieving 100%, setting a target of over 45 seats.
Vidarbha is a key battleground, drawing the main focus of the Congress, prompting the BJP to intensify its campaign efforts to ensure widespread outreach to every voter in the region, which comprises 10 parliamentary seats.
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