Budget session of Haryana that started on February 20, had witnessed a lot of uproar on the first day over several issues and the scenario remained the same on Wednesday too. As a part of the proceedings of the budget session, the ruling BJP moved a motion of thanks on the construction of Ram temple and consecration ceremony held in Ayodhya on January 22 which led to a heated argument between the ruling and opposite factions creating a ruckus in the house. The legislators from both sides started sloganeering, mentioning the name of Lord Ram and the aforementioned program. In a bid to showcase their strengths, the MLAs of the ruling and main opposition party Congress have been trying to ensure that the resonance of no one’s slogan is less than that of the other.

In this series, Interrupting him, Leader of Opposition Bhupendra Singh Hooda had said being members of the house, we are pretty familiar with the proposal. It is noteworthy that the Chief Minister Manohar Lal, while presenting the motion of thanks on the life consecration of Ram Lala in the Haryana Assembly, said that the the resolution is about the sacrifice and penance of lakhs of our ancestors and we are fortunate to extent out greeting and thanks to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Further the discussion over the issue resulted in the widened rift among the BJP and the Congress MLAs. Several BJP MLAs including Mahipal Dhanda and Aseem Goyal started sloganeering of Jai Shri Ram, while in response to this, the Congress MLA Neeraj Sharma stood up and similarly started sloganeering in the house mentioning the name of Lord Ram and Hanuman along with humming the Chaupaiyan and couplets in praise of of Lord Ram together. Apart from this, he also mentioned the issue of not allowing him wearing the clothes with the name of Lord Ram to enter the house on the first day of the budget session. On this, Speaker Gyan Chand Gupta asked not to divert the matter.

On the construction of Ram temple, the ruling party MLAs repeatedly gave credit for the same to Prime Minister Narendra Modi which led to verbal spat between BJP and allies JJP and Congress MLAs on the entire matter. BJP MLA Aseem Goyal accused the Congress of opposing the construction of Ram temple. In continuation to this, the Home Minister Anil Vij said that he himself has been a witness to the demolition of structures in Ayodhya and was put behind the bars for fifteen days in Unnao Jail while visiting the UP twice for the temple construction movement in Ayodhya. If the credit for the construction of the temple goes to anyone then it goes to PM Narendra Modi. JJP MLA Ramkumar Gautam said that It happened only because of the efforts of PM Modi as he is a man of words. While reacting to this, garding this, Congress MLAs said that BJP is politicizing the entire issue to gain political advantage from it. Congress’s Kiran Chaudhary said that late former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had started efforts in this direction during his tenure and in such a situation, BJP should not give political color to the matter.

Leader of Opposition Hooda, while cornering the ruling BJP and addressing the house said that Lord Ram belongs to everyone and omnipresent but BJP is politicizing the issue in a bid to take political gain from the matter ahead of polls. The BJP refrained itself from giving credit to thousands of people and the Supreme Court which with its decision played a key role in bringing the Ram Mandir into existence and in such a situation,those who politicize the matter should also give credit to the Supreme Court. On this matter, the former Assembly Speaker and Congress MLA BB Batra said that Lord Rama belongs to everyone and at home it is a matter of everyone’s faith but outside, work is worship. Hooda said that thousands of people have contributed in the construction of the temple, who have made efforts for years, on this the CM said that we are giving credit to everyone who came up with efforts in this direction. Since the temple has now been built during the regime of PM Narender Modi, it is natural that the credit for the construction of the temple is being given to PM Narendra Modi.