Following the announcement of the Lok Sabha polls, the Model Code of Conduct has come into force in Haryana and all political factions are gearing up for the same in a bid to win maximum parliamentary seats. Amidst this, a significant political development surfaced on Tuesday after the former Union Minister Birendra Singh along with his wife Premlata, joined the main opposition Congress on February 9 in Delhi at the party headquarters quitting the saffron Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) after around a decade. Haryana Congress state president Udaybhan got him to join the party wearing a patka. While reacting to his return to the Congress, Birender Singh termed it “not only a return to home, rather an ideological return’’. Before him, his son and former BJP MP Brijendra Singh had already left BJP and joined Congress about a month ago.

Since Birendra Singh’s entire family has now formally joined Congress after leaving BJP, now the discussion pertaining to ‘’whether the party will get any political benefit from his joining Congress or will only Birendra Singh’s political ambitions be fulfilled” continues to prevail. On the other hand, it is also believed that after the arrival of Birendra Singh, Congress will get the benefit as well political mileage from the hold of Chaudhary Birendra Singh’s family in districts including Jind, Hisar and Fatehabad. While reacting to a query after joining, Birendra Singh said that ‘’no one else can give him what Congress has…the representatives of the agrarian community (Kisan Bhaichara) had visited him seeking the implementation of Minimum Support Price (MSP) as well to clarify his stance over the issue like Bhupendra Hooda on the issue’’.

Further, he said that pertaining to the same, he had talks with the party leadership and said that in case the party can not implement the MSP, then at least come up with a benchmark over the same. The ruling BJP has entirely failed to fulfill the demands of the farmers as well the deprived sections of the society leaving them in a state of disparity. Showing praise on Hooda, he said that he is his younger brother and raising Hooda also contains a significant political meaning because, without the support of Hooda, it is not going to be a cakewalk for Birendra Singh to fulfill his political ambitions in Congress. It is noteworthy that Birender Singh quit the Congress and joined the BJP in 2014 ahead of polls citing the unilateral hold of Hooda and negligence then.

Thus, a political reshaping is being witnessed ahead of polls rapidly and a stir has started in Haryana BJP regarding this with a constant discussion that many party MLAs are also in touch with Birendra Singh. Now it will be interesting to see what will be Hooda’s reaction if any BJP or JJP MLA or other leader joins Congress further. It is also discussed that Hooda is constantly against JJP leaders joining Congress.

As soon as Birendra joined Congress, the political ambitions of the family went visible in front of everyone as while answering the media’s questions after joining, Premlata showcased her desire to contest the polls from Uchana assembly. Besides stalking claim on Hisar Lok Sabha seat, she further said that her son Brijender Singh Should be made to contest the polls from Hisar. It is a noticeable fact that following his differences as well as possible denial of ticket before the finalisation of ticket, Brijender Singh quit the BJP.

Before Birendra Singh’s joining the Haryana Congress was divided into two factions- Hooda and Kumari Selja, Randeep Surjewala and Kiran Chaudhary known as SRK group in the state. Of course, Birendra Singh may have felt some relief in comparison to BJP by joining Congress, but to fulfill his political ambitions, he will have to strike a balance between the prevailing both factions.

It is pertinent to mention that Birendra Singh who hails from Jind district known as Jatland, is the maternal grandson of farmer leader Sir Chhotu Ram and. He is considered to have political influence in the Bangar belt, which the Congress party will try to cash in. Since Birendra and his family have proved their mettle by markingvictory in Hisar also, their influence is considered to be here too. Birendra Singh has been an MP from Hisar earlier while his son Brijendra Singh in 2019. Birendra Singh has been an MLA from Uchana seat of Jind 5 times while a Rajya Sabha MP twice. Chaudhary Birendra Singh contested his first election from Uchana in 1977 and became MLA, winning by a large margin. After this again in 1982 he was elected from Uchana..