Hinting at Delhi Deputy Chief Minister, Manish Sisodia’s arrest, Shiromani Akali Dal leader, Bikram Singh Majithia on Tuesday, February 28, demanded that the ambit of the outgoing CBI probe into the alleged Delhi liquor policy scam should be extended to neighboring Punjab, as he indicated that the former has also served the “architect,” of Punjab excise policy.

The comments of the SAD leader comes a day after the special court CBI on Monday, granted days remand of Sisodia to the central probe agency till March 4, to interrogate him in connection with the excise policy.

Majithia recently took to his social media handle twitter and penned, “CBI inquiry into Delhi excise scam should be extended to Punjab. As in the case of Delhi, Deputy CM @msisodia was the architect of the Punjab excise policy also which caused losses of hundreds of crores to the State exchequer.”

He further added that, “CBI should probe the role of senior officers and AAP politicians who colluded to give huge benefits to select liquor manufacturers at the cost of the State exchequer. A separate Enforcement Directorate inquiry should also be conducted to go into charges of money laundering.”