Bikram Singh Majithia, senior leader of the SAD said, “The Aam Aadmi Party has made serious allegations against the Bhartiya Janata Party for offering 25 crores of rupees to AAP’s MLAs and is said to have registered an FIR against the BJP but has not made it public yet.”
Majithia said this was also necessary because the AAP government had neither made the FIR registered, in this case, public even after 24 hours nor taken any action against any BJP leader or middlemen involved.
“Punjab has never witnessed a bribery charge of this scale and since the Punjab Police is not acting in the matter, the case should be handed over to central agencies.” He said a high court-monitored probe could also be held on the issue.
Majithia on Thursday demanded the institution of a CBI and ED inquiry into finance minister Harpal Cheema’s allegation that the BJP had offered Rs 25 crores each to ten AAP legislators to jump ship.
Majithia also appealed to Home minister Amit Shah to get the allegations that the latter’s name was used while trying to woo AAP legislators probed thoroughly. “It is not a matter about any particular party but a challenge to democracy and its very foundations.” He said the SAD on its part, would also file a complaint with the Chandigarh Police tomorrow to demand a thorough probe into the entire case in keeping with the sentiments of the people of the state and their right to know the truth.
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