The Special Investigation Team of Bihar Police has arrested the prime accused of ‘Mubarakpur lynching case,’ Vijay Yadav, police revealed.

The team of SIT nabbed Yadav from the Revalganj station area in Sitab Diyara village of Saran district, Bihar. The incident pertains to February 5, when 3 people were allegedly tied and beaten in Bihar’s Mubarakpur village in Manjhi.

Two of three victims, Amitesh and Rahul in the case were succumbed to their injuries. The cops while investigating the matter attached the properties of 4 accused, who are identified as, Vijay Yadav and his close aides Ajay Yadav, Deepak Yadav, and Vicky Yadav. The investigators attached the properties after obtaining a order from the JM of Chhapra court.

After the alleged lynching, a mob set the house and poultry farm of the village headman on fire. After registering the case in incident, the police launched an investigation into the matter.