Neeraj Kumar, a minister in the Nitish Kumar government, on Thursday claimed the former Chief Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav has three sons. The Information and Public Relation Department Minister furnished several property documents and alleged that several plots were registered in the name of Tej Pratap Yadav and Tarun Kumar Yadav.

 Kumar, talking to The Daily Guardian, said, “Lalu should tell who is Tarun Yadav? How did he get plots registered in Lalu’s name? The registry documents clearly declare Lalu Prasad Yadav as the father of Tarun.”

He also claimed that Lalu Yadav had forcefully registered the plots of his elder brother late Magru Yadav, in the name of his sons Tej Pratap Yadav and Tarun kumar Yadav on 4 November 2003. In 1993, several plots of lands were registered in the name of Tej pratap Yadav and Tarun Yadav.

“Lalu did not spare his elder brother and not even his village people and fraudulently got their plots registered in the names of his sons, “Kumar added.

The IPRD minister presented a list of documents to prove his point. The question was put to RJD spokesperson Mritunjay Tiwari, but he tried to deflect the question by labelling allegations against the ruling party. He said, “Why should we even bother to answer to this? We are the largest party in the state. They aren’t doing so well on the political field, that’s why they are making these kinds of allegations.”

 Earlier, Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi also submitted several documents to prove the “illegally acquired property” of Lalu Prasad and his family.

Time and again, the allegations have been coming from various quarters that Lalu Prasad provided jobs in lieu of plots of land. The alleged ill-gotten property list of the former CM was also put on posters in Patna.