Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid homage to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, India’s first Education Minister, on his birth anniversary, celebrated as National Education Day. Nitish Kumar highlighted Azad’s significant contributions, stating, “His efforts in shaping modern India will always be remembered.”
PM Modi praised Azad’s commitment to education and acknowledged his pivotal role in India’s freedom struggle. The Prime Minister also commemorated Acharya JB Kripalani, hailing him as a beacon in India’s fight against colonialism. He recognized Kripalani’s tireless efforts to strengthen democracy and promote social equality.
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari joined in, paying respectful homage to Azad, and emphasizing the importance of National Education Day.
The day, observed annually on November 11, marks Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s birth anniversary and celebrates his immense contributions to education in independent India. The leaders’ tributes underscore the enduring impact of Azad and Kripalani on India’s socio-educational landscape.
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