The past one month has not been easy for the entire Bachchan family. From Amitabh Bachchan to his seven-year-old granddaughter Aaradhya, their fight against Covid-19 has been a collective one. While Aishwarya Rai and Aaradhya have recovered and returned home, Big B and Abhishek are currently undergoing treatment at Mumbai’s Nanavati Hospital.

 As the nation prays for the megastar’s speedy recovery, a troll recently decided to take a jibe at him by writing to him, “I hope you die with this Covid”. Instead of letting this frivolous comment pass, Big B decided to teach him a lesson or two in his blog.

 The actor wrote, “Hey Mr Anonymous… you do not even write your father’s name because you do not know who fathered you. There are only two things that can happen… Either I shall die or either I shall live. If I die you won’t get to write your diatribe anymore, by weathering your remark on a celebrity name… Pity… For the reason of your writing to be noticed was, because you took a swipe at Amitabh Bachchan… That shall no longer exist…!!”

He added, “If by God’s grace I live and survive you shall have to be ‘weathering’ the ‘swipe’ storm, not just from me, but on a very conservative level, from 90+ million followers.”

Speaking about the power of his fans and their love, Big B reminded the troll, “They are a force incensed. They traverse the entire world. From the West to the East from the North to the South. And they are not just the Ef of this page. That extended family shall in the flash of an eye become ‘extermination family”. After reading this, this troll—or any troll for that matter, hiding behind a screen— wouldn’t want to mess with Big B.