Bharatiya Janata Party leader and Ghatlodiya MLA, Bhupendra Patel took oath as the Chief Minister of Gujarat on Monday. Prime Narendra Modi congratulated the new CM in a tweet by saying, “Congratulations to Bhupendra Bhai on taking oath as CM of Gujarat. I have known him for years and have seen his exemplary work, be it in the BJP Organisation or in civic administration and community service. He will certainly enrich Gujarat’s growth trajectory. @Bhupendrapbjp.”
Union Home Minister Amit Shah congratulated the new CM soon after the ceremony. CMs of BJP ruled states, including Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar, Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan and Goa CM Pramod Sawant were present at the ceremony. Patel is strongly influential in the Patidar community in Gujarat. BJP is banking on the Patidar vote for a good showing in the elections next year.
In another tweet, the PM praised former Chief Minister Vijay Rupani and said he was certain that Rupani would continue to contribute to public service. Rupani resigned on Saturday to make way for a new Chief Minister. “During his five years as CM, Vijay Rupani Ji has undertaken many people-friendly measures. He worked tirelessly for all sections of society. I am certain he will continue to contribute to public service in the times to come. @vijayrupanibjp,” PM Modi tweeted.
As for, Bhupendra Patel, fondly addressed as “Dada” by his supporters, the 59-year-old Bhupendrabhai Rajnikanthbhai Patel is the 17th Chief Minister of Gujarat.
Soon after assuming charge, Chief Minister Patel held a high-level meeting to review the flood-like situation created by heavy rains in Saurashtra and especially in parts of Jamnagar and Rajkot districts.
As per the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO), CM Patel had a telephone conversation with the Collector of Jamnagar and gave clear instructions for rescue and relief operations. He asked the officials to carry out the evacuation of people trapped in the water with the help of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF).
“He sought details about the condition of the reservoir of Aji-2 Dam due to heavy rains in Rajkot and urged the Rajkot Municipal Commissioner and Collector to move the people from the low lying areas to a safe place immediately,” the CMO said.
In Rajkot, the Chief Minister also obtained the details regarding 1,155 people living in the low-lying areas of Aji who were shifted to safer places.
“Bhupendra Patel instructed the system operators to arrange for three teams of NDRF from Rajkot and two teams for Jamnagar from Bhatinda. He specifically instructed to give priority to rescue and relief operations,” it added.
Gujarat Chief Secretary Pankaj Kumar; Chief Secretary to the Chief Minister Kailas Nathan; Additional Chief Secretary A.K. Rakesh as well as Additional Chief Secretary to the Chief Minister M.K. Das; Relief Commissioner Adra Agarwal and Chief Minister’s OSD D.H. Shah were also present during the meeting.