The title of horror film Durgavati, which is presented by Akshay Kumar, has now been changed to Durgamati: The Myth. On Monday, Akshay unveiled the new title of the film with a poster. Starring Bhumi Pednekar, the film is set for an OTT release on 11 December this year. Bhumi shared the poster too, and wrote in Hindi: “Aa rahi hai… Durgamati (Durgamati is coming).”
In the poster, Bhumi is seen looking through the mirror. She is seen bruised, with her bindi partially rubbed off. She seems in a vengeful mood. The poster comes with an eerie touch as the mirror seems to be in a dilapidated ‘haveli’.
While no official reason has yet been given for the change in title, this is the second film in recent months to see a name change. A few weeks ago, the Akshay Kumar-starrer Laxmmi Bomb was renamed Laxmii on the censor board’s suggestion after a section of people said the original name of the film insulted Goddess Laxmi and Hinduism. Durgamati also stars Arshad Warsi, Jisshu Sengupta, Mahie Gill and Karan Kapadia. Directed by G. Ashok, the horror-thriller is the Hindi remake of Telugu movie Bhaagamathie (2018). It follows the story of an IAS officer, played by Bhumi, who is a victim of a major conspiracy involving powerful forces. She is imprisoned in a haunted house while being interrogated in a corruption case.