Actor Bhumi Pednekar and her sister Samiksha Pednekar celebrated Raksha Bandhan by tying rakhi on each other’s wrists. Bhumi shared the special moment on Instagram with a heartfelt note for her sister, writing, “Love you @samikshapednekar. To us just being there for each other. #HappyRakshabandhan.” Along with the message, Bhumi posted pictures of the celebration, including one where Samiksha ties a rakhi on her wrist and another from their childhood, showing Bhumi holding baby Samiksha.

In a previous interview, Bhumi explained how she celebrates Raksha Bandhan with her sister every year. She mentioned that the festival is about protecting loved ones, and she doesn’t believe it should be limited to brothers and sisters. Bhumi shared that she ties rakhi on her sister and mother’s wrists, and they do the same for her, making the celebration a joyful occasion for the entire family. She emphasized that Raksha Bandhan is about appreciating the people you love.

Samiksha Pednekar, known for her beauty endorsements on social media, is often mistaken for Bhumi’s twin due to their striking resemblance.

On the professional front, Bhumi will be seen in the upcoming series Daldal, where she plays a cop named Rita. Describing her character, Bhumi said, “Daldal encapsulates the qualities of being a strong, ambitious woman who breaks glass ceilings and rewrites rules in a man’s world. Rita is a super achiever, passionate about her job, and leads from the front. I’m excited to showcase the strength and resilience of Indian women through this role.” She also mentioned that Daldal is one of her most special and challenging projects. Directed by Amrit Raj Gupta, Bhumi is also set to appear in The Royals in the near future.