Due to fog and poor visibility at Delhi Airport on Sunday morning, a special IndiGo flight carrying Congress leaders, including Rahul Gandhi, was going to travel to Manipur’s Imphal for the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra was delayed. The leaders of Congress are waiting in the airport lounge, having not yet boarded the aircraft. Rahul was seen on Sunday morning heading to the airport from his Delhi home. The ‘Bharat Jodo Nyaya Yatra’ is set to commence at noon at the Khongjom War Memorial with a floral tribute. It will then be launched at Myay Maidan, Khongjom in Thoubai, Manipur.

The evening break was scheduled at 5:30 pm at Koirengei Bazar in Imphal. The night halt will be at Koujengleima Sports Association Football Ground in Imphal’s Sekmai.
Rahul Gandhi will cover over 6,700 kilometres over 67 days, going through 110 districts throughout the Yatra.
Ahead of their departure from Delhi, Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge said on Sunday that the party aims to reach every house till people get the right to justice.
“We will reach every house, till we get the right to justice! Bharat Jodo Nyaya Yatra will begin from Thoubal, Manipur today. People’s beloved Shri @RahulGandhiji will lead this national mass movement of the Congress Party, covering a distance of 6700 KM from 15 states,” Kharge said in a post on ‘X’.
The Congress President said that the party intends to interact with every section of society along the way.
“The Yatra will interact with every section of the society like farmers, labourers, Dalits, tribals, backward classes, small traders, shopkeepers, women, ex-servicemen, sportspersons, teachers, Asha workers, Anganwadi groups, NGOs, SHGs etc,” Kharge added.