A Bengaluru woman shared on social media that she was allegedly harassed by an “old” and “intoxicated” neighbour who blocked her house help from entering the building. The 24-year-old woman shared her ordeal on Reddit and also informed that she sought help from police, however, they did “nothing” to stop the neighbour.
The woman shared that the neighbour lived on the ground floor and stopped her house help from entering the building. “My (f 24) house help called me in distress that some old man was blocking her way to my apartment. So I went to check on her and saw that my neighbour who lives in the ground floor was blocking her way and yelling at her. I asked her what happened and before she could reply, this man started verbally abusing me,” she wrote.
She tried to speak to the neighbour but he allegedly kept using “derogatory” terms in Kannada. “I tried to talk to him but he kept yelling at me to speak Kannada and started saying stuff in Kannada (he does speak the languages I know and English as well, he has talked to me in English fluently before). I’m not extremely fluent in Kannada but I could understand that he was calling us derogatory terms,” the woman shared.
Failing to defuse the situation, the woman resorted to calling the police. “I had enough and called the police. When they arrived he was still verbally abusing me in front of them and they did nothing to stop him! They left asking me to file a complaint next day. I don’t have much hope as to if they will take this seriously because he’s old and intoxicated (police’s words),” she alleged.
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