A couple in Bengaluru, Karnataka, accidentally immersed a Ganesh idol adorned with a gold chain worth Rs 4 lakh into a mobile tank. After realizing their mistake, the expensive chain was recovered following an intense 10-hour search, which involved pumping out nearly 10,000 liters of water and sifting through a thick layer of mud, as around 300 dissolved idols were also submerged in the tank.
The incident took place at Dasarahalli Circle in Vijayanagar. As per a TOI report, a youth who had assisted the couple during the immersion managed to locate the jewelry and safely returned it to the family. The mishap occurred on Saturday evening, with the chain being found on Sunday morning.
The couple, Ramaiah and Umadevi, had placed the gold chain on their decorated Ganesh idol, which was also adorned with flowers and other items. Although they intended to remove the chain before the visarjan (immersion), they forgot to do so. It was only after returning home that they realized their mistake and rushed back to the mobile tank to retrieve it.
Upon returning, they inquired about the missing chain. The boy present at the scene mentioned he had noticed the chain with the idol but assumed it was artificial. The couple then informed the police and local MLA Priya Krishna, who instructed a search for the lost item. With the help of around 10 people, the chain was recovered after an exhaustive 10-hour effort.
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