The West Bengal election drama reached Delhi on Friday as both TMC and BJP approached the Election Commission. The TMC team, comprising Derek O’Brien, Saugata Roy and others, expressed their concern following the attack on TMC supremo and Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee. This visit to the EC was followed by the BJP’s team, which included Piyush Goel, Bhupendra Yadav and Swapan Dasgupta, who asked for a full-fledged investigation into the unfortunate incident and said that the party wants the appointment of special observers for the Nandigram seat. In exclusive interviews with The Sunday Guardian, TMC MP Saugata Roy and BJP MP Swapan Dasgupta talked about their meeting with the EC and their demands.


Q: You met the ECI today. What were your concerns?

A: In the meeting with the Election Commission of India, we demanded that the attack on Mamata Banerjee be investigated fairly. We also apprised the ECI that the removal of DG in Bengal was not right. The same thing happened with WB CM which BJP leaders were propagating for many days. Therefore, a fair investigation is needed in the case.

Q: Are you demanding a judicial inquiry?

 A: The Election Commission of India should decide as to what kind of investigation they will carry out in this matter.

 Q: Opposition parties are describing the attack as a staged drama.

A: What the people of BJP say about a woman, who is injured and also the Chief Minister, can’t be shallower than this. And Adhi Ranjan Chaudhary is BJP’s stooge.


Q: TMC visited earlier and now the BJP has come knocking on the EC’s door. What have you petitioned before the poll watchdog?

 A: It is an arena, but not a political one. We have several grievances with the turn of events in Bengal and therefore approached the EC. The BJP wants a full-fledged investigation into that unfortunate accident which happened with Mamata Banerjee, along with making the CCTV footage related to the incident available to the public. Had it been the handiwork of the BJP, as it is being alleged by Trinamool, do you think we would have demanded the CCTV footage to be public? We also want the appointment of special observers for the Nandigram seat.

Q: The TMC is alleging that everything began with the removal of state DGP Virender, who they claim was ousted owing to pressure from the saffron party. 

A: A political party in power is openly batting for one police officer. This speaks volumes about the credentials and integrity of that particular officer. However, it is absolutely absurd to circulate such canards. Such administrative decisions are taken solely by the EC and to add any motives to such decisions only amount to the desecration of the sanctity of the EC. 

Q: So, you are suggesting that TMC is cashing in on an unfortunate incident for political mileage?

A: This is precisely what TMC is doing. It may be a good or bad strategy but the voters of Bengal are very smart and won’t fall for this trap. TMC trying to gain sympathy from an accident only shows how they have been a complete failure in terms of governance and don’t have anything to speak of when it comes to development. 

Q: You met the Chief Election Commissioner for an hour. What has he assured you of regarding the demands that you listed before him? 

A:The CEC along with two Election Commissioners heard us patiently. He said that the issues raised by us are pertinent for the smooth conduct of elections and that the poll panel will certainly deliberate upon them before coming out with an order.