The West Bengal CID on Monday took over the probe into the “killing” of a man in alleged “police firing” during a raid last week in Uttar Dinajpur’s Kaliaganj, which was rocked by violence over a teenage girl’s death, an officer said.
The Criminal Investigation Department of the state police will not probe into the death of the 17-year-old girl whose body was found floating in a canal on April 21 in Kaliaganj, and she went missing a day earlier after leaving home for her tuition classes.
“We will investigate the death of the man who was allegedly killed in a firing during a police raid at Kaliaganj. We will not probe into the girl’s death. We have started our work this morning,” the officer told.
Notably, a demonstration over the girl’s death had turned violent last week as a mob set the Kaliaganj Police Station on fire and thrashed on-duty police personnel.
The protesters claimed that the girl was raped and murdered, though a preliminary post-mortem examination report did not indicate that, police said.