Bengal BJP is set to celebrate Rabindranath Tagore’s birth anniversary in a grand fashion in the coming months. Home Minister Amit Shah will attend the event to connect with Bengali intellectuals. As the state panchayat poll approaches, the BJP aims to highlight their appreciation for the Nobel laureate poet. Several Tollywood celebrities have been enlisted for the occasion, with the party seeking to attract more stars to their side.
The IMF upgraded the UK’s growth forecast to 1.6% for 2025, highlighting Labour’s investment plans.…
The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.
President-elect Trump moves the inauguration indoors due to cold weather, with the ceremony shifted to…
During the visit, the Ambassador conducted a detailed review of Sittwe Port, which has handled…
Chang, convicted of fraud and money laundering, could face up to 20 years in prison…