Actor and mimic artist Firoz Khan, renowned for his role in the TV show Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hai and his impeccable mimicry of Amitabh Bachchan, passed away due to a heart attack on May 23 in Badaun, Uttar Pradesh. Firoz Khan, a beloved figure in the entertainment industry, had an extensive career in television and films. He was seen in popular TV serials such as Jija Ji Chhat Par Hain, Saheb Bibi Aur Boss, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, and Shaktimaan. Additionally, he appeared in several films, including the music video for singer Adnan Sami’s hit song “Thodi Si Tu Lift Kara De.”

According to a report by India TV’s Atul Singh, Firoz had been staying in Badaun for some time and was actively participating in local events. He continued to engage with his audience through social media, where he frequently shared performances. His last public performance was at the Voter Mahotsav at Badaun Club on May 4, which was well-received by the audience.

Firoz Khan’s official Instagram account is filled with videos of him mimicking Amitabh Bachchan, which have garnered thousands of views. Fans can find numerous Insta Reels showcasing his talent and dedication to his craft.

This tragic news comes after the passing of another actor from Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hai, Deepesh Bhan, who died in 2022 at the age of 41. Deepesh’s friend, Zain Khan, recounted his last moments, highlighting his dedication to fitness and his supportive nature.

The entertainment industry mourns the loss of Firoz Khan, remembering him for his contributions and the joy he brought to his audience through his performances and mimicry.