MUMBAI: Ahead of the release of ‘Shershaah’, actor Sidharth Malhotra opened up about his experience of working on the war drama. “For me becoming Shershaah was like a dream come true moment… I think the biggest obstacles all of us face is fear, and Capt. Vikram Batra broke that and said it with style and confidence by saying ‘Yeh Dil Maange More, sir’,” Sidharth said in the film’s BTS video. Directed by Vishnu Varadhan, ‘Shershaah’ is based on the life of Param Vir Chakra awardee Captain Vikram Batra, who laid down his life in the service of the nation while recapturing Indian territories from Pakistani intruders during the Kargil War in 1999. Actor Kiara Advani, who is also a part of the upcoming film, recalled how Capt Vikram Batra’s parents were keen for Sidharth to play their son’s character. Jointly produced by Dharma Productions and Kaash Entertainment, ‘Shershaah’ will stream on Amazon Prime Video on 12 August 2021.
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