Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday addressed the country through his radio programme ‘Mann Ki Baat’ and cautioned everyone about the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. During the programme, he emphasised on the need to wear masks and the importance of maintaining a distance of two yards. In his address, he also laid focus on making India vocal for local toys for children.

PM Modi said there is a very rich tradition of local toys in the country and there are many talented and skilled craftsmen who specialise in making good toys. Some regions of India are also developing into toy clusters. He added that the global toy industry had more than Rs 7 lakh crore. “The business is so big, but India’s share is very less. A nation with such a large heritage and tradition should have a larger share in the toy market. We have to become vocal for local toys,” he said. The Prime Minister also apologised to the parents while speaking about toys, sensing that children listening to the programme might demand new toys from their parents.

 With festivals around the corner, he said India has a very deep connection between her festivals and the environment. Even though there is excitement and enthusiasm among people, there is also a discipline that touches the mind as fairs are set up at various places and religious prayers are also performed. “People are also doing their daily work, taking care of themselves and taking care of others. The kind of restraint and simplicity that is being seen in every event happening in the country is unprecedented this time. Ganeshotsav is also being celebrated online somewhere and the statue of eco-friendly Ganesh has been installed at several places,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister, during the radio programme, also appreciated the tradition called ‘Barna’ of Tharu tribal society. He said that for centuries, people of Tharu tribal society in West Champaran, Bihar, have been following a 60-hour lockdown, a ‘60-hour burn’ in his words. The people of Tharu society have made ‘Barna’ a part of their tradition to protect nature and it has been there for centuries. During this time, no one comes to the village, nor does anyone come out of their homes and people believe that if they get out, then the new trees and plants are damaged due to their movements and everyday activities. He said, “At the beginning of Barna, our tribal brothers and sisters worship in a grand way and at the end of it there are programs of songs, music, dance of tribal tradition.”

He also remembered the hard work of teachers during the corona period and lauded their efforts for turning adversaries in their favour. He mentioned that the teachers not only accepted this challenge, but also turned it into an opportunity. They adapted to the use of technology in studies and tried to help students. PM Modi said that in the year 2022, India will celebrate its 75 years of Independence. “It is very important that our generation today should be familiar with the war of independence and the heroes of our country and feel the same nationalism. The generation should be aware about what happened during the freedom movement in their districts and regions, they should know about the people who were martyred, and who were in jail and for how long. If our students know these things, then their effect will also be seen in their personality. A lot of work can be done for this, in which our teachers have a big responsibility,” he said.

Ahead of the Teachers Day celebrations on 5 September, the PM also urged the teachers to bring forth the personalities of those who were martyred and create an environment with their colleagues to give tributes to them.