A Soulmate is someone that you have a very deep connection with. It is a union of the soul, mind, heart, and body at the highest level. Generally, we consider the Wife and Husband to be soulmates of each other. It is old thinking that each one of us is fated to tie the marriage […]


A Soulmate is someone that you have a very deep connection with. It is a union of the soul, mind, heart, and body at the highest level. Generally, we consider the Wife and Husband to be soulmates of each other. It is old thinking that each one of us is fated to tie the marriage knot with a very special person after having God’s blessings for a life-long bond to live together and create the family. You must have heard the old saying, “Marriages are made in Heaven.” It is a very strong spiritual, mental, and physical life-long bond between a wife and her husband.

That is why the Marriage Ceremony is solemnized in the presence of a Holy Book and is witnessed by a large gathering of close relatives and friends of both families. Truly speaking, if you look at the various events of a marriage ceremony being conducted, they are very systemically arranged to bring the couple closer to each other and help them to know each other’s family, a little better. Hence, marriage is the commitment of two persons to one another, and to each other’s family bonded by holy matrimony. Newly married couples must understand the purpose of a marriage.

The bond of a marriage is much beyond the physical intimacy, and it also covers the spiritual, emotional, psychological, financial, and social aspects of life. Marriage is a well-thought-of and planned rite, instituted by our ancestors. Let our new generation understand the true meaning of a marriage and strictly follow its rules and principles to  its true spirits. Truly speaking, swearing to tying the marriage knot implies  to blending two lives into one, in other words emerging two souls into one, or, becoming a Soulmate of each other. Let me tell you that it is easy for someone to give the marriage sermons to others, but it is an Herculean task to give it a practical shape to what all you have sworn and promised to your Spouse at the beginning of your married life. Both the wife and husband must take a self-pledge to that affect independently to fulfil those promises to be included in the daily morning prayers as a reminder.

You must know that on this earth, every person is unique by nature and look. No two persons are alike. Particularly, in the present era of ‘Kalyug’ when the negative wave of consciousness is dominating this World Society, it is very very difficult to find a soul- mate to marry. No doubt everyone is spiritual by birth, but because of the influence of the Family and other members of the Society,  particularly after the early childhood, one starts getting attracted towards the materialistic World,  and starts deviating from the spirituality  by acquiring negative beliefs, and misunderstanding of the real meaning of happiness. Hence, the family background and approach towards the life plays a great role to make the journey of a married life successful and happy, for which both wife and husband are equally responsible. Every human being has some positive and negative qualities, so You as a husband or wife, cannot be an exceptional case. And at the same time you have a great wish and desire that your Spouse should be your Soulmate.

Let me tell you that you can’t  force your ways to change your Spouse, but on the contrary you have the inner power to change yourself. First of all, accept your Spouse as she or he is, then start adjusting yourself accordingly, eliminate your negative qualities and at the same time,  keep enhancing your positive qualities. You will realise that automatically, your Spouse will also start changing herself or himself. No doubt, these processes are going to consume a lot of time, but finally you will become the Soulmate of each other.

Remember, no two people have a perfect married relationship, and initially no couple are called Soulmates. Both wife and husband need to put in equal effort of increasing love and concern of caring for each other, the inner urge to live for each other, and enjoy each moment of their lives together, and become an example for other couples. To become a Soulmate of your Spouse, you must strictly follow the spiritual qualities such as purity, love, truth, honesty, kindness, humility , peace, joy and happiness. And also follow the moral values and attributes of life such as will-power, self-determination , self-trust and trust on others, self-respect and respect of others, self-integrity, patience and tolerance, self-control and self-discipline, self-reliance, and so on.

Whatever quality you are lacking, try to make it up as early as possible. Negative qualities such as anger, hatred, frustration, anxiety, worry, resentment, ego, regret, guilt, tension and so on, are likely to create hinderance in your married relationship. So, you must start eliminating them one by one, by strengthening your relationship with your Spouse. In the beginning of a married life, if each Spouse takes self-pledge to become the  Soulmate of his or her life partner, and starts following the guidelines written in this Paragraph, there is no power which can stop you from becoming a Soulmate of your Spouse. Frankly speaking, it has to be a joint effort from both the life partners’ side. Truly, a Soulmate is a perfect harmonious union.

Whether it is a arranged marriage, or a love marriage , it has no difference for a couple to adore to the special qualities  of his or her Soulmate. To achieve your aim to be a Soul mate of your Spouse, you must have a strong will-power, self-determination, a will to take responsibility, be confident, be mature, learn to be happy and make your Spouse happy. You must take care of yourself and your spouse, truly love yourself and love your Spouse unconditionally. You must have self-respect and always respect your Spouse, must spare some time for Yourself and adequate time for your Spouse and Family. Always trust and believe in Yourself, and must trust and believe your Spouse. Stop blaming each other for the past happenings. Don’t hesitate entering into positive criticism for the progress and the prosperity of the Family. Plan for a stable finance to live a fulfilled and happy life.

If you are searching for a Soulmate to tie the marriage knot, you may spend the whole life waiting for the ideal Soulmate, and finally bid farewell to this World as an unmarried person. In order to avoid the above situation and staying rigid throughout the life, this Article will definitely equip you with the knowledge and guide you that you need not search for a Soulmate. Just because you have not married to your ideal Soulmate, this does not mean that you have not been married to a suitable match. Your Spouse could be the best match for you. Only God knows about it. God has blessed you the inner capabilities to mould your Spouse to be your Soulmate, first  by acquiring all the qualities of being a Soulmate as highlighted in the above Paragraphs, and then practicing the same in your day to day married life.

Remember, every human being has the birth right to have the Soulmate as the life partner. This concept was absolutely true during the Satyayug or the Golden era, but today in Kalyug, one has to work on making your soul, mind, heart and body connection much stronger with your Spouse or your life partner. Basically, you have to strengthen your spiritual power by developing the pure love, being kind, and giving the importance to your Spouse. You must understand the emotional, financial and social desires of your Spouse, without compromising your own values and principles. You must communicate your own desire to your Spouse for raising the marriage relationship to the highest level of becoming a Soulmate of each other. Truly speaking, every married person has a burning desire to have a Soulmate as her or his life partner. And I consider the proposal to proceed further unitedly, will be a welcome step for both the partners. Even, God desires that each married couple to be the Soulmate of each other, live a happy and fulfilled long journey of their life together.

Today, there is a great need to bring awareness  to the newly married couples about the importance of becoming Soulmates by following the principles of spirituality, as Soulmates are the spiritual union of the Wife and Husband. To achieve this aim, both Wife and Husband must do Yoga, attend the social and religious functions together, and be kind to each other. They should be open to compromise to each other’s drawbacks and let go their ego. Use the word “we” or “us,” instead of “I” or “me,” which will give the feeling of oneness. Stop imposing you opinion on your Spouse and give due credit to the opinions and sentiments of each other. Always maintain the mutual respect and trust. Love your spouse unconditionally.

Remember, life is the one time most expensive gift of God. Let us preserve it by staying, happy, healthy, wealthy, and contented, by following the principle of live and let others live in peace and harmony. And also following the rule of giving others, without any expectation in return. God desires you to marry and build up your Family. Every human being is spiritual by birth.

If majority of married couples turn to be Soulmates in the present World, it can bring a great transformation on this Earth, and there will be peace and tranquility in every nook and corner of the World. And there will be the end of the “Kalyug”, and the era of “Satyayug” will begin.

Col Surjan Randhawa
