District Panchkula Bar Association President Jagpal Singh, along with other office-bearers, met with former Deputy Chief Minister of Haryana Chandramohan at his residence. A group of advocates, including Suresh Pal Sharma, Vipin Gupta, Praveen Naidu, Naib Singh, Rajendra, Krishna Mohan Vohra, Pradeep, Sumit Pasi, Amit Hooda, Amit Mor, Rajesh Kaushik, Rohit Sharma, and others, were present for the meeting.

Former Deputy CM Chandramohan extended congratulations and best wishes to the newly elected officials of the District Panchkula Bar Association. The advocates expressed their gratitude to Chandramohan for his support during his tenure with the association. In addition, the officials and advocates conveyed New Year wishes to Chandramohan.

Vijay Bansal stated that the newly elected officials of the District Panchkula Bar Association had a courtesy meeting with former Deputy CM Chandramohan, during which detailed discussions took place. Chandramohan assured all advocates of his continuous support for the District Panchkula Bar Association and committed to addressing various issues, including those related to parking.