The West Bengal Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has made a startling announcement, revealing the arrest of a suspect linked to the murder of Bangladeshi MP Anwarul Azim Anar. This individual, a professional butcher, is alleged to have removed all the flesh from the MP’s body and minced it, aiming to conceal the victim’s identity.

Sharing details of the accused, the police said, “The assailants brought a butcher named Jihad (alias Siam) from Mumbai. Jihad was living in Mumbai as an illegal intruder for many years. Two months ago, he was brought to Kolkata by American citizen of Bangladesh origin, Akhtaruzzaman Shaheen. This Shaheen is the mastermind of this planned heinous murder.”

This accused has confessed that, on the orders of Akhtaruzzaman, he and four other Bangladeshi nationals had smothered and killed the MP in a flat, police said.

“Then they removed all the meat from the body in the flat and minced the meat to destroy his identity and then they put everything in a polythene pack. They also chopped the bones into small pieces. Then take those packets out of the flat and dropped them around Kolkata and the surrounding areas using different modes of transport,” the police said in a statement on Thursday.

On Friday, May 24, the accused will be brought before the Barasat District and Sessions Court of North 24 Parganas district. The CID, representing the investigating agency, will seek remand and examine his testimony by taking him into custody, aiming to recover the remains of the murdered Bangladeshi parliamentarian’s body.

A CID team visited the Krishnamati Khal area of Bhandar to search for Anwarul Azim Anar’s remains. This information came to light during the interrogation of Zuber, the app cab driver linked to the murder case.

Anwarul Azim Anar, a Bangladeshi MP who arrived in India on May 12, was last seen on the afternoon of May 13 when he accompanied friends to a residence in Bidhannagar near Kolkata for a medical examination. His body was discovered in Kolkata, West Bengal, on Wednesday.

A Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been established to probe the MP’s killing.

Bangladesh’s Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan confirmed in a Dhaka news conference that the MP was murdered in Kolkata. The minister informed reporters at his residence on Wednesday that Bangladesh Police have apprehended three individuals in connection with this case, as reported by the Daily Star newspaper in Bangladesh.