Congress Rajya Sabha MP Partap Singh Bajwa on Tuesday wrote a letter to Punajb DGP Dinkar Gupta accusing him of withdrawing his security cover, due to “political interference”. He also wrote another letter to DGP Chandigarh Sanjay Beniwal, saying that if any harm does come to his family, then Punjab CM Capt Amarinder Singh and DGP Punjab would be solely responsible for it.

The Punjab government had last week decided to withdraw state security given to the Rajya Sabha member, saying he enjoys the central security cover and virtually faced no threat. Bajwa said that he has been targeted because he was highlighting the shortcomings of the Punjab government.

 Taking strong exception to the Congress MP’s attack on Punjab DGP, Captain Amarinder Singh on Tuesday asked Bajwa to write to him if he had any grudge or complaint against the state government.

Captain Amarinder pointed out, that if the state government had to take any vindictive action it would not have waited for the Centre to provide him security.