Bajaj Auto is all set to transform the Indian market with the introduction of the world’s first-ever CNG-powered motorcycle on July 5, 2024. Initially planned for June 18, 2024, the launch was delayed but has now been confirmed to take place on July 5, with Minister of Road Transport & Highways Nitin Gadkari in attendance.

In recent months, there have been several sightings of the motorcycle undergoing testing, giving us a sneak peek into its design and features. The test models closely resemble typical commuter bikes, including functional components like halogen turn signals, telescopic front forks, and a mono-shock suspension system.

The layout features alloy wheels with multiple spokes, a lengthy single-piece seat, and a mix of disc and drum brakes, suggesting Bajaj’s focus on the affordable entry-level market segment. Bajaj has not disclosed whether they will modify an existing gasoline engine or create a brand-new powertrain specifically designed for CNG utilization.

The specifics of the performance are still undisclosed but are anticipated to be revealed nearer to the launch date. The company may utilize a 110-125 cc engine that is capable of running on both CNG and petrol.

While Bajaj has not disclosed detailed specifications, recent trademark filings suggest potential names for the new model, such as Glider, Marathon, Trekker, and Freedom.

The CNG-fueled bike offers substantial fuel economy benefits when compared to traditional petrol engines, potentially serving as a middle ground between electric vehicles (EVs) and internal combustion engine (ICE) motorcycles. Although EV sales have seen an increase, they have mainly been in scooters. A CNG motorcycle could emerge as a financially viable and environmentally friendly alternative, particularly appealing to fleet operators.