According to reports, Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma may be expecting her second baby with her husband, Virat Kohli. The rumors also suggest that the actress is already in her second trimester and will make a similar announcement as she did with her first pregnancy. For the unversed, she has been keeping a low profile and not travelling with the cricketer on his cricket tours, possibly due to her pregnancy.

The HT report stated, “Anushka is expecting her second baby. Like the last time they will formally share the news with the world at a later stage.”

 Meanwhile, on the work front, Anushka will be next seen in the upcoming sports biopic film ‘Chakda Xpress’ which is based on the life of former Indian cricketer Jhulan Goswami and will stream exclusively on Netflix. The final release date of the film is still awaited.



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