Shah Rukh Khan has a tradition of greeting his fans who gather outside his Mumbai residence, Mannat, during Eid. On Saturday afternoon, he continued the ritual by appearing on his balcony dressed in white and waving to the crowd of fans who had assembled outside, accompanied by his son AbRam.
He also shared pictures of the event on his unverified Twitter account, wishing everyone a happy Eid and encouraging people to spread love and receive God’s blessings. Shah Rukh Khan posted pictures from today and wrote: “So lovely to see you all on this festive day!! Now let’s spread the love… and may God’s blessings be upon all of us… Eid Mubarak.”
Fans took to social media to express their excitement on seeing SRK and Abram. A fan wrote on Twitter, “Wasn’t expecting this. Just made my day ❤️.” Another fan’s post read, “Chand nazar aya.” Yet another fan posted, “ShahRukhKhan𓀠 & #AbRam came together to add “chaar chaand” to this blessed day of #EidAlAdha2022.”
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