Ayushmann Khurrana on Sunday took to social media to pour his heart out for his wife, Tahira Kashyap Khurrana, on their wedding anniversary. Calling Tahira his best friend, Ayushmann wrote: “Celebrating 125 years of togetherness. Maybe more. Because I know that I know you from centuries and time immemorial. This bond can’t be limited to this lifetime. You’re my companion, lover, personal stand-up comedian, life coach and above all my best friend. I want to grow old with you. I know it’ll be a lot of fun. Sigh. Happy Anniversary.” Along with it, he posted a photograph of him giving Tahira a piggyback ride. Sharing the same picture on her Instagram account, Tahira cracked a joke about their wedding night. “And I don’t lie. That’s the only way he picks me up! Gunny bag aaaloo ki bori style! But this is the love I love, perhaps picking on your brains @ayushmannk is easier this way than being cradled and carried in your lap (a failed suhaag raat moment for us) To more ingenuity to many more such rides … umm #happyanniversary,” she added. Ayushmann and Tahira got married in November 2008 and are parents of Virajveer and Varushka.