NEW DELHI : Actor Ayushmann Khurrana has finally shared his first look from the upcoming film titled ‘Doctor G’. Ayushmann took to his Instagram handle to reveal his first look from the film, which also stars Rakul Preet Singh and Shefali Shah. He captioned the post, “Doctor G taiyyar ho kar nikle hain. Ab hogi shooting! #DoctorGFirstLook.” In the image shared by the actor, he can be seen sporting dorky glasses, a lab coat and a sheepish smile, with a book in hand and a stethoscope in his pocket. Produced by Junglee Pictures, the upcoming movie will be based on a campus of a medical institute. While Ayushmann will be playing the role of Dr Uday Gupta, Rakul will be seen as Dr Fatima, a medical student who plays Ayushmann’s senior in the film. Ayushmann said, “The subject of ‘Doctor G’ is very close to me. Considering the lockdown restrictions, we all have been waiting to start shooting the film and we are glad that the day has finally arrived.” This marks Ayushmann’s third collaboration with Junglee Pictures, after Bareilly Ki Barfi (2017) and Badhaai Ho (2018).