The Sriram Raghavan thriller hit Andhadhun, which won Ayushmann Khurrana the National Award as Best Actor, released two years ago on this day. The actor says the film will always be special for him because it gave him the opportunity to do something he had never done before. The black comedy thriller cast Ayushmann as a pianist who pretends to be blind for musical inspiration, and accidentally becomes witness to a murder.
The film directed by Sriram Raghavan also stars Tabu and Radhika Apte. “Sriram Raghavan is one of the finest minds of our generation and when it comes to clever, psychological thrillers, he is simply a master of the genre. It has been a huge privilege for me to creatively collaborate with Sriram sir and learn from him,” said Ayushmann. Ayushmann says “Andhadhun” pushed him as an actor. “I like to experiment, mix it up and push the envelope as an artiste, and Andhadhun gave me the opportunity to do something that I had never done before.”
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