NEW DELHI: It must be a nostalgic Wednesday for actor Ayushmann Khurrana as he went back in time and shared his college memories on social media.“(Circa 2006) Baat hai Panjab University ke hut number 14 ki. Muskan hai befikra everyday routine ki baat hai. Mass comm dept ki purani building ke peeche samosa aur chai. University ka most famous guy fir bhi quite shy,” he wrote on Instagram, adding a picture of him from his college days. In the image, Ayushmann can be seen sporting a beard.
Ayushman’s throwback picture caught the attention of social media users. “Hahahaha. You look so different in this image,” a user commented. “Dreamboy,” another user quipped.For the unversed, Ayushmann had studied mass communication at Chandigarh’s Panjab University.Meanwhile, on the film front, Ayushmann will be seen in films ‘Anek’ and ‘Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui’.
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