NEW DELHI: Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurrana, on Wednesday celebrated his daughter Varushka Khurrana’s 7th birthday by sharing an endearing post of her on social media.The ‘Dum Laga Ke Haisha’ actor took to his Instagram handle and shared a throwback picture of his baby girl from their last trip to the Bahamas, before the COVID pandemic in 2020. Along with it, he penned an endearing caption that read, “Happy birthday little one. The most diligent one in the family. A voracious reader and a disciplined learner. How have you become like that? That too so early in life. You need to chill ok. Always be true to this pic. This was our last international trip. Jan 2020. Nassau. Bahamas.”

Varushka’s mother Tahira Kashyap also shared a heartfelt note for the birthday girl with a happy picture from their lowkey celebration at their residence.She wrote, “Given the circumstances I know seeing the world upside down makes more sense! Happy birthday little one, this is the second consecutive birthday in a lockdown, really wish the world becomes normal so that you can share the small pleasures of a broken tooth and a bruised knee with your friends! Love you with all my being.”The picture shared by Tahira captured Varushka laughing out loud at their plush balcony while she is held upside down, surrounded by colourful balloons.

Meanwhile, Ayushmann, who made his Bollywood debut with the 2012 film ‘Vicky Donor’, has delivered a string of hits in the past couple of years. He currently has many upcoming projects in his kitty including ‘Anek’, ‘Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui’ and ‘Doctor G’.Ayushmann was last seen in Shoojit Sircar’s ‘Gulabo Sitabo’, alongside Amitabh Bachchan.