In a historic move, the Uttar Pradesh cabinet, led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, is set to convene in Ayodhya today, a first for the state’s executive body to gather in the sacred city. The meeting, scheduled at 11 am in the Ramkatha Museum, will be followed by religious visits by cabinet members.
Cabinet Minister Nand Gopal Nandi expressed the significance of the moment, stating, “This day is historical and will be written in history in golden letters for the coming generations of this country and state.” Cabinet Minister Jaiveer Singh added, “Today’s agenda will be amazing and unprecedented, dedicated to the development of Ayodhya.”
Security measures are in place ahead of the meeting, with strict checks conducted. The Ram Katha Museum, where the cabinet session will be held, is adorned with grand decorations, featuring posters of Lord Shri Ram and Lord Hanuman.
The decision to hold the meeting in Ayodhya aligns with the anniversaries of two pivotal events in the Ram Janmabhoomi temple construction saga: the laying of the temple’s first foundation stone on November 9, 1989, and the Supreme Court’s approval for its construction on November 9, 2019.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will lead a prayer ceremony at the Hanumangarhi temple before the meeting. Subsequently, ministers will visit the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi complex and offer prayers at the Shri Ramlala Virajman temple. Besides the religious aspects, the cabinet is expected to focus on development initiatives and preparations for the upcoming Deepotsav celebrations in Ayodhya.
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