Power couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt turned heads on Christmas Eve when they showed up at Mahesh Bhatt and Soni Razdan’s house. Alia and Ranbir were seen arriving in a car together with Shaheen Bhatt in the footage taken by paparazzi in Mumbai. The “Brahmastra” cast members showed up at the celebration looking their best. In a dress with frills and a lime color, Alia looked stunning. Her adorable reindeer hairband is too cute to ignore. Ranbir, however, chose a casual yet fashionable appearance. He had on a black waistcoat, a white t-shirt, and pantsuit. At the party, Ayan Mukerji and Karan Johar joined Alia and Ranbir, resulting in a mini “Brahmastra” reunion.
Mahesh Bhatt arrived with his daughter Pooja Bhatt for the party.
Christmas, which commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ has transcended across borders of nations, cultures and ethnicities to become a festival encasing a lot of diversity in its meaning, significance and celebratory traditions.
Some of these traditions are quite interesting, as they reflect the ethos of the particular area they belong to. The joyous vibe around this time makes for a great occasion to catch up with friends and family.
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