Recently, Indian cricketer Axar Patel and his wife Meha Patel visited the Baba Mahakal Temple in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. The duo offered their prayers and visited the holy shrine to seek blessings. At the time, Patel and his wife also took part in the “Bhasma Aarti.” A well-known ceremony in this place is the bhasma aarti (ashes gift). Between 4:00 and 5:30 in the morning, Brahma Muhurta, it is done. The pair sat in the Nandihal to watch the Bhasma Aarti. They then proceeded to the temple’s sanctum sanctorum to conduct Jalabhishek. Patel stayed on Baba Mahakal’s premises for more than two hours. As he sat in Nandihal, he prayed to Shiva as well.
The Baba Mahakal Temple is located in the ancient city of Ujjain and is one of the most revered shrines in the country. The temple is believed to be the abode of Lord Shiva, and is said to be the source of divine energy and power.
Axar and his wife were welcomed warmly by the staff and devotees of the temple. They were also treated to a traditional pooja and were offered sweets by the temple priests.
Axar and his wife seemed to have enjoyed their visit to the temple, and were seen taking selfies and interacting with the locals. The pair also offered their priases to Lord Shiva, and thanked the temple staff for their warm hospitality.
Overall, Axar Patel’s visit to the Baba Mahakal Temple was a great opportunity for him and his wife to seek blessings and gain spiritual strength. The couple was welcomed warmly by the staff and devotees, and they seemed to have enjoyed their visit
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