Tiku Weds Sheru star Avneet Kaur looked ultra-glamorous in a green backless dress as she arrived at the screening of Bawaal. However, she received a mixed response for her blue carpet appearance. The video of the actress was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram. She teamed her outfit with silver heels, Prada bag, parted her hair on the right-side and kept her makeup minimal. 

Check out the viral video below

 Reacting to the viral video, one of the Instagram users wrote, “The dress looks like an older woman could carry it off better…it looks rather uncomfortable on her.” Another wrote, “It’s a movie premiere..not a red carpet award show.” A third user commented, “Ewwww.” Another wrote, “She is looking so uncomfortable.” For the unversed, the actress recently made headlines for kissing Nawazuddin Siddiqui in Tiku Weds Sheru. Their lip-lock in the film shocked a section of netizens, owing to the age gap between the two. While the actor is 49, Avneet turned 21 in October last year.

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