A tragic incident occurred on Friday night in Mangaluru, Karnataka, as an auto-rickshaw driver lost his life after the vehicle he was operating fell into a stormwater drain near Abbakka Nagara, close to Kottara. The deceased driver has been identified as Deepak Acharya.
According to Mangaluru Commissioner of Police Anupam Agrawal, the unfortunate incident took place around 11:00 PM when Deepak Acharya was driving his auto-rickshaw along Tiruvu Road near Yamuna Paradise Apartment in Kottara. The vehicle fell into the drain passing underneath the road, resulting in the driver drowning and succumbing to his injuries.
Authorities have initiated action in response to the incident. A case has been registered under IPC section 304A against the concerned officials of the Mangalore City Municipal Corporation. The police are actively investigating the matter to ascertain further details surrounding the tragic event.
As the investigation unfolds, additional information regarding the circumstances of the incident is anticipated to emerge.
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