Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj said on Friday that the city government has directed authorities to conduct early screening to detect cases of influenza in the national capital. Addressing a press conference, he said that though the peak of seasonal influenza is usually over by March, a large number of cases are being registered this time in parts of the country.
Bharadwaj also said that the city government has no plan for making masks mandatory. The focus is on taking precautionary measures such as avoiding public places, washing hands, etc., he added. “People who have had severe asthma or COVID are among those impacted the most by influenza. Extra precaution is needed for those older than 65, children below five years of age, and those suffering from lung diseases,” he said.
The Delhi health minister said the Center has issued a COVID advisory for six states, but Delhi is not on the list. “However, we are issuing an advisory to check the spread of influenza. The precautionary measures to be followed in cases of influenza and COVID are the same,” Bharadwaj said.
Bharadwaj said there are not many influenza cases in Delhi hospitals, and the situation is being monitored closely. The government will issue advertisements in newspapers and on FM radio channels to create awareness, the health minister said. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has said that the rise in influenza cases is due to the influenza A subtype H3N2 virus.
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