On Sunday, the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) detained a Jharkhand Maoist leader who was carrying a Rs 15 lakh reward on his head.
In an early morning operation, the ATS detained him after a raid at a chawl in Dhanvi, Ramnagar and Nalasopara, adjoining Mumbai. According to ATS, Karu Hulas Yadav (45) is a regional committee member of the banned CPI (Maoist) in Jharkhand.
Yadav had come to Maharashtra for medical treatment. He originally hails from Dodga village in Hazaribagh district of Jharkhand has been active in the CPI (Maoist) since 2004 and carries a reward of Rs 15 lakh on his head. More than 30 cases have been registered against him. The Jharkhand Police have been informed about the operation and a further inquiry is going on, the ATS added.